That Was the Year Father Tracy Died
‘That Was the Year Father Tracy Died’ is a multi- medial installation, dubbed ‘the millennial altar’ by the group. It was based on the idea of the makability of memories, inspired by neurological processes, Douwe Draaisma and the human tendency to shape time by predicting futures, reading horoscopes or analysing and idealising pasts. Each group member shared an intimate account of their fondest memories, which both contrasted and and were comparable with each other. Visual, sensory and sound aspects of these memories were analysed and put together, creating a new, forced, mutual memory, resulting in a documented account of a memory, a moment in time, that never took place: the year father tracy died.
The installation will consist of a table/pedestal, an old blak television screen, a dvd player (for the visuals), candles, various memorabilia (scatterings), a soundscape and on-screen visuals. For this installation, we need about 2x2/2x3 metres of space, so that the viewer has enough room to experience the piece. It should be situated with its ‘back’ to a wall, maybe in a corner, but preferably keeping a little bit of space around both sides of the work. The work can definitely be presented in daylight, though, if it is possible to burn candles, a darkened space might be interesting to work with.
Video demo example and caption: That Was the Year Father Tracy Died, video, color, 5'31"
Group 2